Examination Schedule

Exam Schedule/ Revised Exam Schedule

S.N. Title
1. Tentative Scheme of NEP Exam for B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. - Ist & 3rd Sem. Dec-2022
2. Tentative Scheme for Regular UG/ PG/ Professional Exam, Dec-2022
3. Regarding revised examination programme of B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. UG/PG Professional Courses II Sem. Exam
4. Regarding examination to be held on date 13-07-2022 ( M.A.(History) Paper code- 014062/ 014063/ 014064 )
5. Press release: Related to IInd sem examination dates of semester system students of academic session 2021-22.
6. Examination Programme for B.Ed. Ist Year, UG Ist (Reg.) Annual & PG Ist (Pvt.) Main Exam -2022
7. Examination date for M.A. History (History of Modern World (1920-1960)/ Archaeology of Ancient India History/ History of South India Paper Code -014062/ 014063/ 014064 (Main Exam-2022)
8. Office Order: Related to no change in examination programme of Academic Session 2021-22 Annual Exam/ B.Ed Course Exam
9 Revised Scheme of NEP Special Back Exam for BA., B.Sc. & B.Com. - 1st, 2nd Sem & (3rd Sem. Co-Curricular Subject)
10 Revised Examination Programme of UG/ PG/ Professional Courses I & III Sem (Dec-2022) (B.P.E.S I & II Sem exam postponed)
11 Revised: Examination programme of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. I & II sem (Special Back) exam under NEP-2020
12 Revised Examination Programme for Regular Courses I & III Sem Dec-2022 / Annual Regular & Private Ist Year Back Exam-2022
13 Examination Programme for Regular Courses I & III Sem Dec-2022 / Annual Regular & Private Ist Year Back Exam-2022
14 Revised: Change in examination programme of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. (Special Back) exam under NEP-2020
15 Tentetive Scheme of NEP Exam for B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. - I, III & V Sem, Dec-2023
16 University Campus Courses Scheme for Ist Semester Regular PG (Main) Exam, Dec-2023
17 Revised University Campus Scheme for 1st Semester Regular PG (Main) Exam, Dec-2023
18 Revised Examination Programme for I & II year (Regular/ Private) Annual Back Exam-2023
19 Revised examination scheme for B.A.,B.Com. & B.Sc. II, IV & VI Sem 'New'
20 Examination Scheme for Regular UG/PG / Professional II, IV & VI Sem Exam-2024 'New'
21 Revised Examination Scheme for Regular UG/PG / Professional II, IV & VI Sem Exam-2024 'New'